Sunday, August 11, 2013

LOVE LOVE LOVE This Snack Cup!

One great thin about having a new baby and owning a baby store is being able to try out products we sell or are thinking of selling.  We used to depend solely on family and friends to test our products before considering them for Parent Faves. Now me and baby get to share in the fun!

We have tried 3 snack cups and have found our Favorite!  Here is what we learned about the three we tried.

OXO Tot Flippy Cup  $5.99
We tried this one due to the price.  The problem with the Tot Flippy Cup was the opening was to difficult for my 11 month old.  She would get her hand inside and grab her puffs then could not get her hand back out while holding her food.  She would just look at me all pitiful holding her hand out with the cup stuck on the end.  It was cut but sad.  The lid screws on easy and my daughter now 1 year old can use the cup just fine.

Eco Vessel Gobble n Go   $14.95

  We tried this one due to the large opening and soft lid.  The problem with the Gobble n Go is the lid comes off too easy.  The first time my daughter used it she grabbed the lid, pulled it off and threw it as if she was saying "what do i need this for".  It was soooo cut but defeated the purpose.  The cup is a good size and the lid is very soft.  We sill use this one around the house when the other ones are in the wash.

Munchie Mug  $16.99

We tried this one due to the reviews we read.  Every review was so positive.  It had everything the other cups we tried didn't.  It has a screw on lid that is large, soft, and easy to use.
I wasn't sure about the fabric opening at first, but I haven't found anything wrong with it yet.  The Munchie Mug is definitely this Parent's Fave!!!     We don't sell this, but maybe we should!

SoftBums Giveaway!!!

On August 31, 2013 we will be giving away a SoftBums Bamboo Super Pod!  
To Enter:  Just go to our facebook page and like us and the post were we mention the giveaway.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mommy Measure Pregnancy Growth Cart

The Mommy Measure ™

If you are looking for the perfect pregnancy gift, the Mommy Measure is it! The unique patent pending pregnancy growth chart & journal make it easy to record your tummy growth (Fundal height / belly 
circumference) and pregnancy milestones.

The Mommy Measure creates a unique time line of your pregnancy journey and allows you to compare measurements and experiences of previous or future pregnancies.

The Mommy Measure can also be used to track your baby's first year of growth. Simply lay the Mommy Measure™ alongside your baby on a flat surface and mark their length and write special milestones.

With the Mommy Measure you will never forget the moments where it all started.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Blowout Blocker - Diaper Extension

I wish I knew about these a couple months ago!
It never failed... every time we went somewhere, as soon as we pulled into the parking lot I would say "do you smell that"?  Sure enough it was a "blowout"!  All over, up her back and on her clothes.  These would have saved so many outfits, and time in the parking lot changing her in the car.

The Blowout Blocker is designed to be an extension of your standard diaper, reaching up the back of the baby to protect against the stress and mess that a diaper “blowout” creates. The mess is contained and easy to clean up!
Blowout Blockers have a smooth, Mock Mesh (100% Polyester) inner layer with a super absorbent, Zorb soaker and a soft water resistant PUL (Polyurethane Laminate) outer layer. The materials are soft, flexible and stretchy to fit your baby comfortably.
The Blowout Blocker is 7 inches long from top to bottom, providing full coverage in the event of a diaper blowout. The waistband will fit a range of waist sizes, 13-18 inches.
Find this and other great products at